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How to find out what profile was used for building *.ipa file?

Is it possible and how to grab that information about profile just from existing *.ipa file?

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Centurion Avatar asked Apr 19 '12 06:04


People also ask

How do I view the contents of an IPA file?

You can however open an IPA file if you wish to. Use an unzip tool like Winzip or 7-Zip to decompress an IPA file and see the contents inside it. Typically, you will find an icon file for the app along with folders and data that make up the application.

What are .IPA files on Mac?

ipa (iOS App Store Package) file is an iOS application archive file which stores an iOS app. Each . ipa file includes a binary and can only be installed on an iOS or ARM-based MacOS device.

Where are iOS provisioning profiles stored?

The default location is ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles. You need to browse or navigate to the profile file when you sign apps with the signing utility in iOS Gateway.

2 Answers

I can give you a direction in this, not sure if it'll actually help:

  1. Change the extension of the *.ipa file to *.zip.
  2. Un-archive this zip file.
  3. The folder contains a *.app file. Open its package contents by right clicking it.
  4. Inside, you'll find an embedded.mobileprovision file.

EDIT- Since Xcode 6 doesn't show the provisioning profile, I'll extend the answer to still see the details:

  1. Change the extension of the embedded.mobileprovision to embedded.txt or just open it with any text editor of choice.
  2. Inside, you'll find some binary data and a hash that contains the profile's details like Entitlements, CreationDate, ExpirationDate, Name, etc which will be sufficient to conclusively lead you to the provisioning profile used to create the .ipa.

Hope it'll help!

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tipycalFlow Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09


Use Nomad.

$ ipa info /path/to/app.ipa  +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ApplicationIdentifierPrefix | DJ73OPSO53                                               | | CreationDate                | 2014-03-26T02:53:00+00:00                                | | Entitlements                | application-identifier: DJ73OPSO53.com.nomad.shenzhen    | |                             | aps-environment: production                              | |                             | get-task-allow: false                                    | |                             | keychain-access-groups: ["DJ73OPSO53.*"]                 | | CreationDate                | 2017-03-26T02:53:00+00:00                                | | Name                        | Shenzhen                                                 | | TeamIdentifier              | S6ZYP4L6TY                                               | | TimeToLive                  | 172                                                      | | UUID                        | P7602NR3-4D34-441N-B6C9-R79395PN1OO3                     | | Version                     | 1                                                        | +-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ 
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RyanM Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
