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iPhone icon size

I am developing an application for iPhone to support multiple devices, iPhone 2-4. I had an issue with the app icon as it was shown pixelated in the iPhone 4 simulator so I have used a new image with higher resolution (300 x 300) to be precise. On the simulator its showing fine for both iPhone 4 and the iPhone device simulators. However, when I ported my app to an iPhone 3 actual device the icon did not show at all and instead I get a blank white icon. I don't have an iPhone 4 yet so I cant tell if the same issue will happen on the physical device.

I am not sure what is the best dimensions/dpi to use for an icon to display perfectly on an iPhone 4 and older devices? Would appreciate a help if possible..

like image 954
Zaid Amir Avatar asked Jul 07 '10 13:07

Zaid Amir

People also ask

How do I change the size of the icons on my iPhone?

Tap the iPhone with three fingers twice in succession. The home screen icons will be magnified to 200 percent. To adjust the zoom level, touch the screen with three fingers then move them up to increase the zoom, and down to lower it.

What size should iPhone icons be?

Normal iOS App Icon Sizes120px × 120px (60pt × 60pt @2x)

1 Answers

For older devices, save your 57x57 icon as Icon.png. For the iPhone 4, save your 114x114 icon as Icon@2x.png. The image resolution doesn't matter at all; only the pixel dimensions matter.

There are other sizes to cater to, like Spotlight/Settings icons and iPad icons. There's a full list written up in the library documentation.

like image 57
BoltClock Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09
