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iPhone App status "Upload Received" for 6 days (144 hours)

The 1.1 update of my App got rejected. Then, after making a change I uploaded it using the Application Loader, during uploading the Application Loader froze and I had to kill it myself. Then the status changed to “Upload Received”. So it seems the binary was uploaded anyway.

But now, it has been in “Upload Received” for 6 days (144 hours!). Normally it changes from “Upload Received” to “Waiting for Review” in a couple of minutes. iTunes Connect FAQ: “If your app has been in the Upload Received state for more than 24 hours, you should contact iTunes Connect Support through the iTunes Connect Contact Us system.”. Apple has not responded yet to my contact forms, I’ve used the contract form three times now….

In the meantime, when in status “Upload Received“ you can’t reject binary.

I'm not going to upload it using a different App name / ID, as my reviews and top list positions will be gone...

Any advice? Just wait? Anyone knows how to deal with this situation?

Cheers Jeroen

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Jeroen Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 10:08


3 Answers

FYI, I fixed this by editing the screenshots and re-saved the metadata.

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ninjaneer Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10


This issue was resolved by Apple on sep 3rd, after calling them (http://developer.apple.com/contact/phone.html). The phone call resulted in swift escalation within Apple.

They resolved it by putting my App in status "Waiting for review". After that, the normal process applied, after a couple of days it changed to "In review" and after 7 days total it changed to "Ready for sale".

So calling Apple would be the best action if the mails just won't get it done. I got some really standard email responses that didn't really indicate they were looking into the matter.

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Jeroen Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10


There is a specific selection under contact us for this very issue. Seems to be common for them to have this under the drop down. i would use this selection under contact us as it probably goes to a specific person that handles this issue.

Frequently Asked Questions: Why is my app in Upload Received status for over 24 hours? If your app has been delivered successfully but has the Upload Received status for more than 24 hours, there may be an issue with your binary. For additional support, use the Contact Us module.

If your app has been in the status Upload Received for over 24 hours, contact us.

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user2848810 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10
