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iPhone app size limit



In AppStore Review Guidelines, the following point is given

Apps larger than 20MB in size will not download over cellular networks (this is automatically prohibited by the App Store)

Please clarify me is it .app file size or whole application file size

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duk Avatar asked Jul 12 '11 04:07


People also ask

What is the max app size for iOS?

(iOS only) App Size iOS App binary files can be as large as 4 GB, but each executable file (app_name. app/app_name) must not exceed 60 MB. Additionally, the total uncompressed size of the app must be less than 4 billion bytes.

Why iOS apps are larger in size?

"Apps are getting bigger because iOS devices are more powerful, and developers are building more and more complex things for them without considering the impact the size will have around the world," developer Stephen Troughton-Smith tells Gadgets 360.

How big can an app be?

Google boosted its maximum app size from 50MB to 4GB today, according to the Android Developers blog. "Android applications have historically been limited to a maximum size of 50MB.

2 Answers

The maximum size for app store is 2GB.

I have worked on some apps that were slightly about 2GB and were rejected. Had to make it go below 2GB.

I suggest you make your app less than 2gb, then download the remaining stuff once the app is launched. Thats probably the only way you can go about distributing such a big app.

PS: unless you do Enterprise builds, where there can never be a limit, except for the device on which you install it.

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Nitin Alabur Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Nitin Alabur

That size limit refers to the compressed IPA bundle, not the .app folder. You can get a rough idea of how big the IPA (as downloaded from the App Store) will be by zipping up the app.

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Noah Witherspoon Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10

Noah Witherspoon