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iPhone app - initial unresponsiveness on iOS 6 on iPad

I have an iPhone app that runs fine on iPhones (tested on iOS 6 and iOS 5), and iPads running iOS 5. However, on an iOS 6 iPad, the app is initially unresponsive until resized from 1x to 2x mode (or vice versa), or an orientation change.

This appears to be a bug in the Operating System, since an app isn't supposed to be able to react to changes to the 1x or 2x mode, but it's still baffling. Any ideas?

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rdasxy Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 11:10


People also ask

Why is an app not working on my iPad?

Check for updates To see if updates are available for the app, open the App Store, tap your profile icon, then scroll down to see if updates are available. If updates aren't available for the app, update the software on your iPhone or iPad.

Why when I open an app it closes immediately?

Apps on Android can crash because of low storage space, too many apps running simultaneously, a weak internet connection, or not having the proper app updates installed.

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Often apps don't launch properly due to temporary issues that get resolved by simply restarting your device. You can perform a soft reboot by long-pressing the power button and selecting Restart or swiping the app-shade down, selecting the power icon, and then choosing Restart.

1 Answers

I also see this issue on my apps. I found a solution: In the Xcode project -> Targets -> Summary, scroll down to 'Status Bar', check the box for 'Visibility' 'Hide during application launch'. After doing this, the iPhone app works again on iPad iOS 6.

You may notice that after the change the status bar is hidden. You can re-enable it in code with: [application setStatusBarHidden:NO withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationSlide];

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PaiGow Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
