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iPad VGA Connector - Mirror screen in own Application?




Is it possible to mirror the Screen over the VGA Connector? Can't find anything about this.

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x2on Avatar asked Apr 18 '10 12:04


People also ask

How do I connect my iPad to a VGA monitor?

Plug a Lightning Digital AV Adapter or Lightning to VGA Adapter into the charging port on iPad. Connect an HDMI or VGA cable to the adapter. Connect the other end of the HDMI or VGA cable to the display, TV, or projector. If necessary, switch to the correct video source on the display, TV, or projector.

Can you mirror iPad screen to monitor?

Using the Digital AV Adapter, the iPad's display can be mirrored to HDMI-compatible displays. Whatever appears on the iPad's display appears on the external monitor to which the adapter is connected. Video quality is impressive, as the iPad's display is mirrored in up to 1080p HD with movies playing back in 720p HD.

1 Answers

I was looking for the same thing you are. Last weekend I wrote a small UIApplication category to add mirroring support. I published to code on Google Code.


To use it, you simply have to set it up in your application delegate's app did finish lauching. Like so:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setupScreenMirroringOfMainWindow:mainWindow framesPerSecond:20];

I only had one chance to try it out last weekend on a big screen TV with the Apple AV output cables. The performance is not stellar, thus I would not recommend using a frame rate higher than 30 fps...

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François P. Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

François P.