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iPad loading local HTML into web view with images and javascript


So the answer was in this post: Loading javascript into a UIWebView from resources

You'll find everything you need to know for loading an HTML5 app with directories there, just make sure you drop files on your Xcode project clicking the radio button that reads "Create folder references for any added folders". Then just use the code on that links I've added up there.

Thanks to Sergio for the help.

I've been through StackOverflow several times already and none of the code I find there can display the images of my html5 App. The hard part seems to be loading files from different subdirectories. I do not want to throw everything in the root and then use the groups in Xcode because I would have to re-factor a lot of the HTML5 code.

I'd like to build this in as a light container, not have to use PhoneGap. Besides PhoneGap comes with a bigger bagage of bugs (I tested our app and it crashed on the iPad and worked on the iPhone). It's hard enough to deal with the HTML5 side of things and Cocoa Touch.

So here's how I load the HTML page:

[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:
       [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] 
       pathForResource:@"index" ofType:@"html"]isDirectory:NO]]]; 

I have found some solution that it's getting me closer to "Create folder references for any added folders" when adding the files to the resources folder, I can now see some of the images being loaded. The JS doesn't seem to be working properly. I have tested this app loading it from a URL running on a local server and it does work in that case.

So CSS is obviously working, images too but JS seems to be an issue.

Hopefully I'll find the answer soon.


(this is when I was including the folders the wrong way)

So as you guys don't have to be wondering what am I seeing ( it looks to me like js and images are not loading and I do have subdirectories on the HTML5 app ):

enter image description here

Interesting posts which are related to this:

Loading javascript into a UIWebView from resources Link to resources inside WebView - iPhone

like image 394
HotFudgeSunday Avatar asked May 30 '11 18:05


People also ask

How do I view local HTML files on iPad?

Go to "Applications" > your app (iFile, GoodReade or whatever yours) > Documents. And you are there. Open your HTML files. Now you can go anywhere to and fro without problem.

How do I display local images in HTML?

To use an image on a webpage, use the <img> tag. The tag allows you to add image source, alt, width, height, etc. The src is to add the image URL. The alt is the alternate text attribute, which is text that is visible when the image fails to load.

Does HTML work on iPad?

A number of iPadOS apps will however allow a user to view, edit, and test html code in files stored in local iPad, iCloud, or third party (e.g. Google or Dropbox) storage folders. One needs only to search in the App Store for “html editor” to see the list.

1 Answers

Indeed, you can load a local HTML in a UIWebView by means of:

– loadHTMLString:baseURL:

The only thing you should be aware of is how to specify the baseURL so that it goes to your local resources directory. So, if you add in your HTML:

<img src="localImage.png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="filename.js"></script>

this will be found among your project resources.

It definitely works. Possibly there is some "issue" with your HTML and javascript source (like, e.g., using subdirectories or absolute URLs).


If you need to organize your resources (images and scripts) in directories inside of the Resources directory of your app, see this S.O. topic.

To get the path to your Resources directory, use:

 NSString* filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"index" ofType:@"html"];  

An alternative could be hosting all of your file in the Documents directory of your app (which is reserved for user content). In this case, I suppose you could download an archive of your app and install it in the document directory.

like image 104
sergio Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
