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iOS9 - Can't Verify Any Apps [closed]





I was in the middle of woking on a App in XCode 7 and was pushing it to my phone after making changes. All of a sudden, i was getting a general "security" error.

The app had already been verified and the developer trusted. The XCode console outsputs:

error: failed to launch '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/C684E25D-F370-4DFC-B39F-C4508B653EA1/myapp.app' -- process launch failed: Security

If I go to System Preferences > Profile in my phone and try to verify it, it doesn't do anything and doesn't report any feedback.

I've tried deleting the app, restarting xcode, restarting my phone, etc..

And now, none of my apps will install on my phone for development -- note, I'm only talking about directly launching an app from Xcode to my phone. I'm not using the App Store.

like image 979
djt Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 23:03


1 Answers

It seems the server Apple uses to verify apps is down again. This has happened before: iOS 9 enterprise app verify failed

All we can do for now is wait until they resolve the issue.

like image 133
Dominic Lacaille Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 11:03

Dominic Lacaille