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iOS UIAutomation Simulator 5.0: The target application appears to have died

I'm trying to use the record feature in UIAutomation that only works on Simulator 5.0.
When using UIAutomation on Simulator 4.3, it runs perfect. When running my app from Xcode on Simulator 5.0 it runs perfect. This rules out the possibility that the app itself is crashing.

I tried resetting the simulator through Reset Content and Settings. I tried selecting the target from the "Derived Data" folder of my app, or from the simulator Application folder, nothing worked.

Any ideas?

like image 501
Or Arbel Avatar asked Apr 25 '12 14:04

Or Arbel

1 Answers

Sometimes it happens that the old code is still alive.

  1. Try to clean your project by clicking on menu Product --> Clean or Command-Option-Shift-K
  2. close x-code and clean data from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData manually.
like image 130
informatiker Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10
