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Enable Xcode's "Check Spelling While Typing" Option by Default

Is there any way to enable Xcode's Check Spelling While Typing option on every Xcode project and file by default?

Currently, I have to set this option on each file, and the option gets reset after closing Xcode.

Option in question (Edit>Format>Spelling and Grammar>Check Spelling While Typing):

Xcode's Check Spelling While Typing Option

like image 864
Daniel Storm Avatar asked Feb 17 '16 17:02

Daniel Storm

People also ask

How do I turn on spell check while typing?

Click File > Options > Proofing, clear the Check spelling as you type box, and click OK. To turn spell check back on, repeat the process and select the Check spelling as you type box. To check spelling manually, click Review > Spelling & Grammar. But do remember to run spell check.

1 Answers

Xcode's Check Spelling While Typing setting persists in Xcode 11 and above. The scope of the setting is Xcode and not a project.

like image 124
Blazej SLEBODA Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09