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iOS Share Extension with custom View Controller

I'm creating a Share Extension to allow to share Youtube videos into my app and am having a hard time to present my custom UI smoothly. Instead of the default view controller which just contains the raw Youtube URL, I want to do something visually similar to Facebook's extension, displaying a thumbnail and the video title. My first attempt at it was editing the MainInterface storyboard ShareViewController, but doing so briefly shows my custom interface and thet get's "overriden" by the default UI layout. So I ended up adding another view controller with my UI to the storyboard and in the ShareViewController I added

override func presentationAnimationDidFinish() {
    DispatchQueue.main.async {

The problem with this obviously is that I still get to see the default View Controller before my custom one is pushed. So the question would be how do I get to show my custom UI right away when the share extension is started? I've experimented with the NSExtensionPrincipalClass in the .plist but did not have any positive results

Thanks in advance

like image 964
leandrodemarco Avatar asked Oct 11 '17 20:10


People also ask

How do I add an extension to an Iphone share?

To add a share extension to your app, open your app's project in Xcode and select File > New > Target from the menu bar. Xcode presents a sheet that contains templates for different kinds of targets. Select the share extension template from the iOS pane and follow the steps in Xcode's interface to add one to your app.

What is Share sheet extension on Iphone?

The Share Sheet is the collection of actions that become available when you tap the Share icon available in most of the common app. For example, if you wanted to send someone a photo from the Photo Library, you would display the photo in the Photos app and tap Share in order to see the send options.

What is the iOS app extension?

App Extensions are an iOS feature that allows developers to extend the functionality and content of their app beyond the app itself, making it available to users in other apps or in the main operating system.

What is extension sharing?

The main feature of share extensions is to make your content preview correctly on Workplace. This entails providing support for authenticated preview metadata in a format Workplace expects, such that when URLs to your content are shared, Workplace can fetch that metadata and create a preview.

1 Answers

These general steps worked for me without using SLComposeServiceViewController (here's the code at the commit when it was implemented). The image at the end shows our result, but step 6 can be anything, not just a form.


  1. (code) Change ShareViewController to simple UIViewController

  2. (code) Add blur effect to ShareViewController

  3. (storyboard) Add container view to ShareViewController

  4. (storyboard) Add navigation controller

  5. (storyboard) Embed navigation controller in ShareViewController's container view

  6. Customize the view controllers in the navigation controller (see this SO thread for example)

Step 1. Change ShareViewController to simple UIViewController

import UIKit

class ShareViewController: UIViewController {
//                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Step 2. Add blur effect to ShareViewController

    // ShareViewController continued from Step 1.

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17041669/creating-a-blurring-overlay-view/25706250

        // only apply the blur if the user hasn't disabled transparency effects
        if UIAccessibilityIsReduceTransparencyEnabled() == false {
            view.backgroundColor = .clear

            let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: .dark)
            let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
            //always fill the view
            blurEffectView.frame = self.view.bounds
            blurEffectView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]

            view.insertSubview(blurEffectView, at: 0)
        } else {
            view.backgroundColor = .black
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

Step 3. Add container view to ShareViewController

Drag a Container View from the Object Library into the ShareViewController on the storyboard, and adjust dimension. For example:

enter image description here

Step 4. Add navigation controller

Drag a Navigation Controller from the Object Library to the storyboard.

Step 5. Embed navigation controller in ShareViewController's container view

Control-drag from the container view of ShareViewController to the navigation controller, select "Embed" from the menu. Should look similar to this:

enter image description here

Step 6. Customize the view controllers in the navigation controller (see this SO thread for example)

My result:

enter image description here

like image 94
toraritte Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09
