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Check if there is an emoji contained in a string

I am getting the text size of a string with this

textSize = [[tempDict valueForKeyPath:@"caption.text"] sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(280, CGFLOAT_MAX) lineBreakMode: NSLineBreakByWordWrapping];

The only problem I have is that if the string only contains an emoji, my app crashes. Is there an easy way to check for emojis or do I have to create an array with all possible emojis and then check for them using that?


-[NSNull sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x3aa88a60

if ([tempDict valueForKeyPath:@"caption.text"]){
            NSLog(@"%@", [tempDict valueForKeyPath:@"caption"]);
            //Measure the message label box height
            textSize = [[tempDict valueForKeyPath:@"caption.text"] sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12] constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(280, CGFLOAT_MAX) lineBreakMode: NSLineBreakByWordWrapping];
            int height = 320 + 20 + textSize.height;
            [cellHeight addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:height]];
like image 490
david2391 Avatar asked Nov 10 '13 05:11


People also ask

How can you identify emojis?

Using the Messages app. 1) In the macOS Messages app, click the smiley face to bring up the emoji keyboard. 2) Scroll to the emoji whose meaning you want to know. 3) Hover your mouse over the emoji character, and after a couple of seconds, you should see a little popup with the description of that emoji.

How do I see emojis in Python?

For instance, human emoji followed by an "emoji modifier fitzpatrick type" should modify the colour of the preceding emoji; and certain emoji separated by a "zero width joiner" should be treated like a single character. This will check if the character is an emoji or not.

How do you get emojis in texts?

Open the Messages app. Either start a new message or open a current one. Tap the text input field. Tap on the emoji icon on the lower left of the screen.

2 Answers

This is what I'm using:

func isAllEmoji(aString: String) -> Bool {
    for scalar in aString.unicodeScalars {
        switch scalar.value {
        case 0x1F600...0x1F64F, // Emoticons
        0x1F300...0x1F5FF, // Misc Symbols and Pictographs
        0x1F680...0x1F6FF, // Transport and Map
        0x2600...0x26FF,   // Misc symbols
        0x2700...0x27BF,   // Dingbats
        0xFE00...0xFE0F,   // Variation Selectors
            return false
    return true

I took this which was missing some emoji ranges, and then used this emoji array to find missing rantes by iteration... Have not deep tested.

like image 142
Andres Canella Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Andres Canella

try this code:

- (BOOL)stringContainsEmoji:(NSString *)string {
    __block BOOL returnValue = NO;
    [string enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [string length]) options:NSStringEnumerationByComposedCharacterSequences usingBlock:
     ^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {

         const unichar hs = [substring characterAtIndex:0];
         // surrogate pair
         if (0xd800 <= hs && hs <= 0xdbff) {
             if (substring.length > 1) {
                 const unichar ls = [substring characterAtIndex:1];
                 const int uc = ((hs - 0xd800) * 0x400) + (ls - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
                 if (0x1d000 <= uc && uc <= 0x1f77f) {
                     returnValue = YES;
         } else if (substring.length > 1) {
             const unichar ls = [substring characterAtIndex:1];
             if (ls == 0x20e3) {
                 returnValue = YES;

         } else {
             // non surrogate
             if (0x2100 <= hs && hs <= 0x27ff) {
                 returnValue = YES;
             } else if (0x2B05 <= hs && hs <= 0x2b07) {
                 returnValue = YES;
             } else if (0x2934 <= hs && hs <= 0x2935) {
                 returnValue = YES;
             } else if (0x3297 <= hs && hs <= 0x3299) {
                 returnValue = YES;
             } else if (hs == 0xa9 || hs == 0xae || hs == 0x303d || hs == 0x3030 || hs == 0x2b55 || hs == 0x2b1c || hs == 0x2b1b || hs == 0x2b50) {
                 returnValue = YES;

    return returnValue;
like image 37
Loquatious Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09
