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IOS: set a default language in xcode for my app

I started my xcode project and I have these settings:

enter image description here

In xcode 5 it add this "base" language, but I don't understand how it works. I want to set as my default language english and not italian; for example if an user set its device in spanish or in french language it must see app in english and not in italian; can you help me?


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cyclingIsBetter Avatar asked Dec 14 '13 15:12


People also ask

How do I change the default language in Xcode?

After clicking 'Localize', Xcode will ask if you want to localize the file, and select a default language for it. Usually I use 'English' as the default language and gradually add more language support to it.

How do I change the language of iOS apps?

Change The App Language in iPhone or iPad AppsTap on the Settings app on the Home screen. Scroll down, select the app you wish to change its language. Select Language under Preferred Language. Choose the language you want to use.

1 Answers


you should set "base" in in plist file section:

Localization native development region

and set Storyboard only for "base"; for other language only in Localizable String

when you localize a file you should set base (for language default) and the other language you want to use.

In localizations (picture in my question) should be with base and all language you want to use

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cyclingIsBetter Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
