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iOS OCMock partial vs class mock




I am learning OCMock for iOS testing. What's the difference between "class mock" and "partial mock", and when should you use one vs the other?


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user1802143 Avatar asked Aug 17 '13 22:08


1 Answers

Class mocks create objects that are pure mocks of a class instance.

Partial mocks take an instance of a class an allow you to stub any of its methods.

Suppose I have these classes:

@interface Foo : NSObject
- (void)doX;
- (void)doX

@interface Bar : NSObject
- (void)doA:(Foo *)foo;
- (void)doB;
@implementation Bar
- (void)doA:(Foo *)foo
    [foo doX];
    [self doB];
- (void)doB

I'm interested in testing Bar's doA: method. I expect it to call doX on a Foo object, then to call its own doB method. I would implement this using a class mock of a Foo and a partial mock of a Bar.

- (void)test_doA_shouldCall_doX_and_doB
    id objectUnderTest = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:[Bar new]];
    id fooMock = [OCMockObject mockForClass:Foo.class];
    [[fooMock expect] doX];
    [[objectUnderTest expect] doB];
    // Make the call
    [objectUnderTest doA:fooMock];
    [objectUnderTest verify];
    [fooMock verify];

You see here that my partial mock allowed me to call the real method I wanted to test while mocking an internal call to another of its instance methods. Because I didn't need any of the real functionality of Foo, however, I used a class mock.

like image 57
Ben Flynn Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Ben Flynn