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iOS Mapview, MKMapView showsZoomControls

I'm trying to setup my MapView so that it shows the zoom controls. Other properties are working but this one seems unknown to the compiler. This property is listed in the apple docs for MKMapView Anyone know why it's shown in the docs yet won't compile?

mapView.showsUserLocation = true;
mapView.showsScale = true;
mapView.zoomEnabled = true;
mapView.showsZoomControls = true;  // Compile error

Error says

Value of type 'MKMapView' has no member 'showsZoomControls'
like image 566
Joelxxx Avatar asked Mar 03 '16 20:03


1 Answers

Property showsZoomControls is not available in MKMapView for iOS. It is available on OS X though.

like image 170
Rafa de King Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 06:10

Rafa de King