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ios keyboard covers the input which is located in the bottom of the screen


ios keyboard covers the input which is located at the bottom of the screen. How can this trouble be solved?

here is the code.

 <Content style={styles.content}>              <Form>               <Item style={{borderBottomColor:'#42e8f4'}}>                 <Icon active name='mail' style={{color: '#42e8f4'}} />                 <Input placeholder='Email'placeholderTextColor= '#42e8f4' style={{color:'#0dc49d'}}/>               </Item>               <Item style={{ borderBottomColor:'#42e8f4'}}>                 <Icon active name='lock' style={{color: '#42e8f4'}} />                 <Input secureTextEntry={true} placeholder='Password'placeholderTextColor= '#42e8f4' style={{color:'#42e8f4'}}/>               </Item>             </Form>             <ListItem style={{borderBottomWidth:0,borderTopWidth:0,borderBottomColor:'#42e8f4'}}>               <Button transparent onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate("Signup")}>                 <Text style={{color:'#42e8f4'}}>Create Account</Text>               </Button>             <Button transparent onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate("Forgetpass")}>               <Text  style={{color:'#42e8f4'}}>Forget Password</Text>             </Button>             </ListItem>             <Button full               style={{backgroundColor:'#42e8f4'}}               onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate("Welcome")}>               <Text style={{color: '#FFF'}}>Sign In</Text>             </Button>           </Content>  const styles = {   content:{     position:'absolute',     bottom:10,     left:0,     right:0   }, } 

I am using Native-Base. How can this issue be solved?

like image 738
NewTech Lover Avatar asked Sep 20 '17 09:09

NewTech Lover

2 Answers

Check the documentation for React Native Keyboard Avoiding View.

It is a component to solve the common problem of views that need to move out of the way of the virtual keyboard. It can automatically adjust either its position or bottom padding based on the position of the keyboard.

Example from the How to make your React Native app respond gracefully when the keyboard pops up article

 return (     <KeyboardAvoidingView       style={styles.container}       behavior="padding"     >       <Image source={logo} style={styles.logo} />       <TextInput         placeholder="Email"         style={styles.input}       />       <TextInput         placeholder="Username"         style={styles.input}       />       <TextInput         placeholder="Password"         style={styles.input}       />       <TextInput         placeholder="Confirm Password"         style={styles.input}       />       <View style={{ height: 60 }} />     </KeyboardAvoidingView>   ); 
like image 73
bennygenel Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10


You can use this library react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view just make it as a container for your components

like image 41
Ahmed Ali Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Ahmed Ali