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Remove host component tag from html in angular 4


I have a table in which I want to display a table row, which is a component. And also I want to pass data to that component:

<table>     <th>         <td>col 1</td>         <td>col 2</td>         <td>col 3</td>     </th>     <tr>         <my-component [data1]="data1" [data2]="data2"></my-component>     </tr>     <tr *ngFor="let item of list">         {{item}}     </tr> </table> 

In my-component, the HTML is a few <td></td> with data rendered from data1 and data2.

But after rendering it, because of <my-component></my-component> my CSS is breaking resulting in all my-component HTML (whole table row) displaying in 1st column.

Result of above:

<table>     <th>         <td>col 1</td>         <td>col 2</td>         <td>col 3</td>     </th>     <tr>         <my-component>             <td>data1.prop1</td>             <td>data1.prop2</td>         </my-component>     </tr>     <tr *ngFor="let item of list">         {{item}}     </tr> </table> 

I tried the following:

@Component({     selector: '[my-component]',     templateUrl: 'my-component.html' })  <tr my-component [data1]="data1" [data2]="data2"></tr> 

But this results in error Can't bind to 'data1' since it isn't a known property of 'tr'.

Also I can not use @Directive as I want to render HTML.

How can I render template of <my-component></my-component> without <my-component></my-component> tag?

Other answers are of previous versions of angular. I am using Angular 4.3.4.

Any help would be appreciated..!

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AjinkyaBhagwat Avatar asked Oct 10 '17 16:10


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1 Answers

you need to include tr as well in selector like below,

@Component({  selector: 'tr[my-component]',  template: `    <td>{{data1.prop1}}</td>    <td>{{data1.prop2}}</td>    <td>{{data2.prop1}}</td>  ` }) export class MyComponent {   @Input() data1;   @Input() data2; } 

Check this Plunker!!

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Madhu Ranjan Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Madhu Ranjan