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iOS Is Testflight Autorenewable Subscription's expirationtime broken?

I am expirencing a "bug?" while testing autorenewable subscriptions in iOS 8 with Testflight.

Apple said, that a autorenewable subscription for 1 month expires after 5 minutes in sandbox. For me the expiration doesn't happen after 5 min, it will renew for 12 hours.

Anyone else did notice something like that? Is it a bug or is there a way to fix this?

like image 552
Tristan G Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 13:10

Tristan G

1 Answers

So, yes it is broken and it will never ever expire. Got this answer on Apple dev forums.

like image 100
Tristan G Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 19:11

Tristan G