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iOS error : library not found for -lGSDK_Overload

After pod update i am seeing the following error

library not found for -lGSDK_Overload

while trying to build the project. I have been using the Google Analytics in my project. Is this related to Google Analytics ? See the header search path in my project

enter image description here

I have seen the similar questions in SO. But here i have no idea what is GSDK and where the actual issue lies.

Pod update details

enter image description here

Any help will be appreciated

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Aravind Bhuvanendran Avatar asked Apr 15 '16 10:04

Aravind Bhuvanendran

2 Answers

Check for the following solutions

  1. Have u launched your project through [project_name].xcworkspace

  2. Check for libGSDK_Overload_external.a library file at following path file-path/[project_name]/Pods/GoogleSymbolUtilities/Libraries/ in your root folder of the project and add this file to projects target. Rebuild your project.

enter image description here

  1. If problem still exit remove pod file and reinstall it.
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vje1998 Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10


After a few hours of trying the answer provided by @vje1998 and couple of other stuff like deleting derived data, removing cocoapods all together. I finally fixed it. I hope this helps anybody that might have the same issue.

Under Build Settings>Linking>Other Linker Flags. I deleted the row with -lGSDK_Overload. It solved the problem google analytics still works and there are no linker errors. After running pod install Other Linker Flags stays the same so I'm assuming that it wasn't needed to begin with.

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Berker Soyluoglu Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 13:10

Berker Soyluoglu