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xcode7.2 process launch failed: timed out waiting for app to launch [duplicate]

Sorry to ask this. I Already googled it a lot and i followed all the solution but still i am facing same issue . That's the reason only i am posting this question:

I am trying to launch my app on device. It is launching successfully on the simulator.

  • List item
  • I use 9.2 SDK
  • Xcode 7.2
  • And the device is a 9.2 iPhone 6 plus

I have tried:

  1. Clean
  2. Clean Build Folder
  3. Deleting app
  4. Disconnecting/Reconnecting device
  5. Booting device
  6. restarting Xcode
  7. Currently i am using a Distribution certificate(AdHoc Push notification) instead of Developer one
  8. I recreated
  9. I removed all certificates from Xcode and i Download all and then i connected Device
  10. Xcode > Preferences > Accounts - Remove my account
  11. Go to Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme...

    Select the Run Scheme

    Select the Info tab

    Make sure the settings are as follows:

    Build Configuration is set to "Debug"

    Debug Executable is checked

    Launch Automatically is checked

  12. CLOSE ITUNES (itunes must be closed)

But still i am facing same issue. Can you please help me out regarding this issueenter image description here

enter image description here

like image 795
Mannam Brahmam Avatar asked Jan 07 '16 09:01

Mannam Brahmam

Video Answer

1 Answers

Instead of using Distribution certificate(AdHoc Push notification) use Developer profile. And try it.

like image 158
Ramesh_T Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 16:10
