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iOS app missing screenshot

Since iOS 6 came out and Apple is requiring screenshots for any apps you update, I'm having problems with app submission!

What if I DO NOT want to have my app support the iPhone 5's big screen yet?

Can I still submit my app without the screen shots? Cause apple is sending me messages regarding these missing screenshots! Thank you!

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waylonion Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 21:10


2 Answers

I had a similar problem when submitting an update that did not include support for the iPhone 5. I saw a warning in Xcode that said I was missing "[email protected]" launch image. When I clicked on the warning in Xcode, I was given an option to add a default launch image and I added the default image. Everything worked fine when I created an archive and validated the file in Xcode, however, I eventually got an email from the iTunes store saying "The status for the following app has changed to Missing Screenshot." After tying several things, I eventually figured out that I could remove the "[email protected]" file from my project and resubmit it without the requirement to add the new screenshots for the iPhone 5. I think the presence of the "[email protected]" triggers the need to have iPhone 5 screenshots.

To summarize, the problem I had was caused by adding the "[email protected]" file to the project without adding screenshots to support the iPhone 5 display. When I removed the .png file, validated and resubmitted my app, I was able to successfully submit my app without the screenshots.

I hope this helps.

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David L Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 17:02

David L

I faced the same problem while uploading the App to Appstore. Status changed to "Missing Screenshots(1)".

I added a new screenshot of size 1136x640 under "4 inches retina display screenshots" and the status changed to "Waiting for review" immediately.

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V.Venkatachallam Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 16:02
