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iOS 6 breaks GeoLocation in webapps (apple-mobile-web-app-capable)


I have an app that does a simple textbook navigator.geoLocation.watchPosition(...) that works great in iOS 5.x both in Safari and as a web app (using apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag).

However, in iOS6, GeoLocation does not work in the webapp. It still works in safari as expected, but when I run the webapp, it prompts me for location permission, then silently fails. I see the location icon, but no events are thrown from watchLocation. I get no error events or any location events.

Has anyone run into this? Any workarounds? It's definitely iOS6 specific and also specific to the apple-mobile-web-app-capable/webapp.

like image 955
Greg Wilson Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 22:09

Greg Wilson

1 Answers

This is definitely a bug but I found a work around. You aren't going to like this but at least it will get your web app working again. You need to examine the User Agent header and if it contains "iPhone OS 6" then do not use:

<meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" /> 

Yes, this means that it won't be a true web app and you will get the Safari header and footer bars. But at least it will make your app work again from the home screen. You can see how this works by going to my site www.nextbus.com.

Note that it appears that Google ran into this problem. Try going to maps.google.com and then adding the web app to your homescreen. The geolocation will work for it but you will indeed see the ugly Safari header and footer bars.

Please complain loudly to Apple!

like image 88
Michael Smith Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Michael Smith