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Shared memory between C++ and Java processes


My aim is to pass data from a C++ process to a Java process and then to receive a result back.

I have achieved this via a named pipe but I would prefer to share the data rather than passing or copying it, assuming the access would be faster.

Initially, I thought of creating a shared segment in C++ that I could write to and read with Java, but I'm not sure if this is possible via JNI, let alone safe.

I believe it's possible in Java to allocate the memory using ByteBuffer.allocateDirect and then use GetDirectBufferAddress to access the address in C++, but if I'm correct this is for native calls within JNI and I can't get this address in my C++ process?


Many thanks in advance.

like image 740
Brent Campbell Avatar asked Mar 14 '13 16:03

Brent Campbell

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1 Answers

If you have shared memory, for example using CreateFileMapping (Windows) or shmget (Unix), all you need is a native method on the Java side. Then you can create a ByteBuffer that directly accesses the shared memory using NewDirectByteBuffer like this:

JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_getSharedBuffer(JNIEnv* env, jobject caller) {     void* myBuffer;     int bufferLength; 

Now you have to get a pointer to the shared memory. On Windows you would use something like this:

    bufferLength = 1024; // assuming your buffer is 1024 bytes big     HANDLE mem = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, // assuming you only want to read            false, "MyBuffer"); // assuming your file mapping is called "MyBuffer"     myBuffer = MapViewOfFile(mem, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);     // don't forget to do UnmapViewOfFile when you're finished 

Now you can just create a ByteBuffer that is backed by this shared memory:

    // put it into a ByteBuffer so the java code can use it     return env->NewDirectByteBuffer(myBuffer, bufferLength); } 
like image 184
main-- Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09
