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ionic2:can't set <ion-content> background color in variables.scss

in html:

<ion-content class="bg-style">

in variables.scss:

.bg-style {
    background-color: #f5f0eb;

the above codes do not work,but it can work in other tags like <a> <div> and so on,and when I put the style file(.scss,such as test.scss) in the same path as the html file,it can work well also.I do not know if my question is clear,thank you for help.

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David Avatar asked Mar 20 '17 01:03


3 Answers

use app.scss file instead of variables.scss.


  .bg-style {
        background: #f5f0eb;
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Sampath Avatar answered Feb 01 '23 08:02


I would recommend you to override the ionic variables

$background-color: #f5f0eb !default;
$background-ios-color: #f5f0eb !default;
$background-md-color: #f5f0eb !default;

Check this url for more details - link

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George Adrian Echim Avatar answered Feb 01 '23 08:02

George Adrian Echim

in the app.scss file add a style

    background-color: #f5f0eb;

it will apply to all pages, and you don't have to add a class to every ion-content

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Mohamed Ali Avatar answered Feb 01 '23 09:02

Mohamed Ali