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Ionic infinite scroll with custom content




I want to show custom loader inside of ionic infinite like this

 <ion-infinite-scroll (ionInfinite)="doInfinite($event)">
    <spinner [color]="'white'"></spinner>

But the problem is that then spinner is always visible since I see that infinite scroll has property state and its modifying attribute of ion-infinite-scroll-content to setting state property and there is css which hides it.

My question is does any body has done any custom spinners or only way to have custom spinner is to use css class?

So basically it looks like this

enter image description here

like image 352
Vova Bilyachat Avatar asked Sep 05 '17 21:09

Vova Bilyachat

People also ask

How to display the infinite scroll in ionic components?

The ion-infinite-scroll component has the infinite scroll logic. It requires a child component in order to display content. Ionic uses its ion-infinite-scroll-content component by default. This component displays the infinite scroll and changes the look depending on the infinite scroll's state.

How does the ion-infinite-scroll-content component work?

Ionic uses its ion-infinite-scroll-content component by default. This component displays the infinite scroll and changes the look depending on the infinite scroll's state. It displays a spinner that looks best based on the platform the user is on.

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An Infinite Scrolling list is used to load data items as user scrolls. So that there is no need to click on any button or pagination to see next set of items.

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The Infinite scroll is implemented by adding the <ion-infinite-scroll> directive component. To demonstrate a working example, we’ll create a list of employees which will be loaded from a mock JSON API server using the infinite-scroll component.

1 Answers

I've created feature request, and it was moved to private pool. For now i am back to standard spinners

like image 128
Vova Bilyachat Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Vova Bilyachat