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Ionic - How to store session token as globally (for app) accessible variable?

I know I can use localstorage or SQLite but I'm not sure how to exactly do that.

In my app, I'm getting the session token in the Login controller where I make post request to the server and in return get session token.

I'm not sure how to make this token globally accessible.

P.S: I'm very new to AngularJs.

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Vineonardo Avatar asked Aug 19 '15 06:08


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1 Answers

in your controller once you get the token from the server

$scope.token = token;

you can say

localStorage.setItem("token", $scope.token);

then when you want to fetch the token (say in another controller) all you have to say is

$scope.token = localStorage.getItem("token");

Also if they re-open the app you can even check to see if they already have a token

if(localStorage.getItem("token") !== null && localStorage.getItem("token") !== ""){//go ahead and authenticate them without getting a new token.}

Also be aware that on logout if you want to clear the token you can just set

localStorage.setItem("token", "");

but be aware you can only set local storage to strings, not booleans or null.

UPDATE: I see that people are still referencing this, and wanted to add a caveat. On IOS, the local cache seems to be cleared by the OS automatically. I am not sure what triggers this, but I have ran into issues with and users loosing their settings stored in local storage. If that would be an issue for you, I recommend looking at something like IndexedDB, pouchdb, sqllite, or other alternatives.

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Jess Patton Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11

Jess Patton