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How to push a key/ value into JSON objects



I am trying to push a Id into a Json array of objects. Every object must have '"JobId" : Value' inserted before it is sent to the apiController. I am trying to use a forEach loop for this but I am stuck. Right now instead of inserting this in the each object in the array it is inserting at the end of the array. I have a plunkr setup. plunkr

$scope.array = [{
}, {

var JobId = 143;
$scope.array.forEach(function (newJobItem) {
    $scope.array.push({'JobId' : JobId});

var index = 0;
$scope.array.forEach(function (newJobItem) {
    console.log('newJobItem #' + (index++) + ': ' + JSON.stringify(newJobItem));
like image 550
texas697 Avatar asked Dec 02 '14 21:12


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2 Answers

What you're doing is iterating over each item via $scope.array.forEach but then you're not actually modifying the item that is returned from the callback newJobItem but just pushing a new item: $scope.array.push({'JobId' : JobId});.

The correct line inside your forEach should be newJobItem.JobId = JobId;. That way you're modifying the existing entries inside $scope.array instead of just pushing new objects.

More explicitly:

$scope.array.forEach(function (newJobItem) {
    $scope.array.push({'JobId' : JobId});


$scope.array.forEach(function (newJobItem) {
    newJobItem.JobId = JobId;
like image 130
KhalilRavanna Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10


You want to manipulate the objects in the array, not the array itself. Try this:

$scope.array.forEach(function (newJobItem) { 
   var JobId = 143;
   newJobItem.JobId = JobId;
like image 21
Nate-Bit Int Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Nate-Bit Int