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How to set focus on a section of my web page then scroll down

using protractor I would like to first set focus on a left pannel in my web page then scroll down in order to click on a filter. Any idea how to do this using protractor syntax? Here is my HTML :

<section id="filters" style="height: 266px; overflow: hidden;" tabindex=
    <div class="ng-binding" id="currentSearchTitle">
        Current search

    <div id="currentSearch">
        <div id="searchBlock">
            <div id="jobTypeBlock">
                <div class="ng-binding" id="jobTypeTitle">
                    Filter by job type

                <div class="ng-scope">
                    <div class="ng-scope">
                        <div class="ng-scope">
                            <div class="ng-scope">
                                <div class="ng-scope">
                                    <div class="ng-scope">
                                        <div class="ng-scope"></div>
like image 473
Ziwdigforbugs Avatar asked Feb 21 '14 11:02


1 Answers

To set the focus on your panel you can maybe click on it:


Then to scroll to your filter, you can execute a client side script:

var filter = browser.findElement(by.id('jobTypeTitle'));
var scrollIntoView = function () {
browser.executeScript(scrollIntoView, filter);

You can have a look at the webdriverjs doc.

like image 154
Bastien Caudan Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 12:11

Bastien Caudan