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How to split a string by Node Js?

My array:

var str=['data1,data2 '];

I have used:

var arr = str.split(",");

But one error is showed. TypeError: Object data1,data2 has no method 'split'. How can I solve this problem.

My output will be:

arr= data1,data2
// or

How can I solve this problem ?

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Bilash Avatar asked Feb 03 '14 20:02


People also ask

How do I split a string into string?

Use the Split method when the substrings you want are separated by a known delimiting character (or characters). Regular expressions are useful when the string conforms to a fixed pattern. Use the IndexOf and Substring methods in conjunction when you don't want to extract all of the substrings in a string.

How do I split a string on one space?

Use the str. split() method with maxsplit set to 1 to split a string only on the first space, e.g. my_str. split(' ', 1) . The split() method only performs a single split when the maxsplit argument is set to 1 .

How do you split a JavaScript expression?

To split a string by a regular expression, pass a regex as a parameter to the split() method, e.g. str. split(/[,. \s]/) . The split method takes a string or regular expression and splits the string based on the provided separator, into an array of substrings.

1 Answers

You should do this :

var arr = str.toString().split(",");

"TypeError: Object data1,data2 has no method 'split'" indicates the variable is not considered as a string. Therefore, you must typecast it.

update 08.10.2015 I have noticed someone think the above answer is a "dirty workaround" and surprisingly this comment is upvoted. In fact it is the exact opposite - using str[0].split(",") as 3 (!) other suggests is the real "dirty workaround". Why? Consider what would happen in these cases :

var str = [];
var str = ['data1,data2','data3,data4'];
var str = [someVariable]; 

str[0].split(",") will fail utterly as soon str holds an empty array, for some reason not is holding a String.prototype or will give an unsatisfactory result if str holds more than one string. Using str[0].split(",") blindly trusting that str always will hold 1 string exactly and never something else is bad practice. toString() is supported by numbers, arrays, objects, booleans, dates and even functions; str[0].split() has a huge potential of raising errors and stop further execution in the scope, and by that crashing the entire application.

If you really, really want to use str[0].split() then at least do some minimal type checking :

var arr;
if (typeof str[0] == 'string') {
    arr = str[0].split(',')
} else {
    arr = [];
like image 196
davidkonrad Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
