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Ionic dom-to-image plugin crash when rendering

I can't show any code, because the problem isn't give me an error, a message or anything.

I have this situation: My app had to do 2 renders with domToImage.

First, I get an image from Camera/Gallery (base64) Then adding to img.src it renders for a simple background. I put this bg under a set of Dom elements and then render it all together This process was happening fine, no problems, no errors, no bugs.

Until out of a sudden it start crashing the app. I didn't make any update, any change on my code at all. It was working, and then it wasn't.

I remade the process and downsized to just on render. Still crashes.

There's no pattern on action. It crashes under bg render or the set render, or sometimes don't. But it don't miss 2 in a row. If doesn't fail the first routine, the 2nd will. Anywhere.

I'm lost... A added Xwalk, removed, created from the ground another equal project, still crashes. Changed the plugin importation, even reset the smartphone for a certain clean installation... Is not my phone's problem cause a bunch of clients around the world are reporting this bug.

Any direction?

Using Dom-to-Image 2.6.0

Ionic 3 - Android Platform

Som code:


import domtoimage from "dom-to-image";

var node= document.getElementById("render");

    domtoimage.toPng(node, {
      height: node.offsetHeight * 2,
      width: node.offsetWidth * 2)
    .then(dataUrl => {
    .catch(error => {



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like image 358
Rafael de Castro Avatar asked Dec 12 '18 14:12

Rafael de Castro

Video Answer

1 Answers

I suggest that you can try to achieve that goal with another Js package. Let's try html2canvas :


npm install --save html2canvas


import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';


var element = document.getElementById('div-to-render');
html2canvas(element, { allowTaint : true }).then((canvas) =>
  var image = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0);

Now you can display or download the image as explained here : https://stackoverflow.com/a/17407392

like image 120
Nicolas Roehm Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10

Nicolas Roehm