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Ionic Cordova FileUpload error: Not allowed to load local resource

I am new to Ionic and I am trying to upload an image taken from camera that is stored in Android filesystem:

var ft = new FileTransfer();
console.log('Uploading: ' + fileURL);
  function(error) {
    $ionicLoading.show({template: 'Ooops error uploading picture...'});
    setTimeout(function(){$ionicLoading.hide();}, 3000);
var pictureUploaded = function() {

fileUrl is pointing to an existent image: file:///data/data/com.ionicframework.nutrilifemobile664547/files/Q2AtO1462636767466.jpg

In chrome://inspect/#devices console I get the following error and it looks like because of the error the FileOptions are also not properly sent, this is the error (Not allowed to load local resource):

enter image description here

Cordova version: 6.1.1
Ionic version: 1.7.14

like image 951
groo Avatar asked May 07 '16 16:05


2 Answers

This happens when you use the "livereload" option with Ionic.

Try running in normal mode

like image 168
alexislg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09


With ionic webview >3.x, you have to use convertFileSrc() method. For example if you have a myURL local variable such as file:// or /storage.

let win: any = window; // hack ionic/angular compilator
var myURL = win.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(myURL);
like image 43
lucbonnin Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
