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Ionic 3 native deeplinking

Managed to install and setup the native deeplinking module for Ionic.

App loads up fine even in cold state, where it is fully shutdown.

However, my route doesn't take me to the correct page. It just displays the last page the app was one, or the main page if it starts the application from cold state.


import { Deeplinks } from '@ionic-native/deeplinks';
import { Detail1Page } from '../pages/layout/app1/detail1/detail1';
constructor(private deeplinks: Deeplinks.........
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
  '/item/:itemId': Detail1Page
}).subscribe((match) => {
    console.log('Successfully matched route', JSON.stringify(match));
  }, (nomatch) => {
    console.error('Got a deeplink that didn\'t match', JSON.stringify(nomatch));

The console log shows:

Successfully matched route {"$args":{"itemId":"9"},"$link":{"path":"/item/9","queryString":"","fragment":"","host":"my.app.com","url":"https://my.app.com/item/9","scheme":"https"}}


import { Deeplinks } from '@ionic-native/deeplinks';
providers: [


this.itemId = this.navParams.get('itemId');

Your help is greatly appreciated - been working on this the whole day :)

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RSK Avatar asked Nov 20 '17 10:11


2 Answers

I ran into that same problem just yesterday...

In my case, I didn't register my page everywhere that your supposed to in my app.module.

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  entryComponents: [
export class MyPageModule {}

For me I was missing the IonicPageModule.forChild reference. Here is the documentation page where it talks about setting a page up for deeplinking. https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/navigation/IonicPage/#usage

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DerrickF Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


I know its too late but still, it can be helpful for someone. I am redirecting the user after subscribing so you can put more logic if the user is logged in on not or so you can change things accordingly

  '/item/:itemId': {}
}).subscribe(match => { 
    console.log('Successfully matched route' + JSON.stringify(match));
    this.nav.push(Detail1Page, { issueId: match.$args.issueId});

}, nomatch => {
  console.error('Got a deeplink that didn\'t match' + JSON.stringify(nomatch));
like image 23
Ragesh Pikalmunde Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Ragesh Pikalmunde