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Ionic 2 : Run a background service with cordova

I use Ionic 2 and I want to my app do some task when the app is closed. Something like Gmail who continue to notify all the time.

I found this : https://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/native/background-mode/

But I want to create a specific service with specifics method who run in background. This plugin all the application run in background.

Someone can explain me how to do that ?

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V. Pivet Avatar asked Feb 08 '17 13:02

V. Pivet

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1 Answers

I wanted to keep to received notifications when app is closed. I try a solution : Use Push Notification, Firebase for Android and APNS for iOS. This solution works but with 2 problems :

  • Have to use external services

  • It can be a little bit hard to configure

I hope this can help. I know I don't explain how we can have a service to run in background ... But that is the solution for my problem.

like image 111
V. Pivet Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 16:11

V. Pivet