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"Invocation context" and "execution context" in javascript: are we talking of the same thing?



Sometimes I read "invocation context" sometimes "execution context". I would like to know if we are talking about the same concept.

I must say that in ECMAScript6 specification I don't find any reference to the "invocation context".

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marco Avatar asked Dec 29 '16 19:12


People also ask

What is execution context in JavaScript?

The Execution Context contains the code that's currently running, and everything that aids in its execution. During the Execution Context run-time, the specific code gets parsed by a parser, the variables and functions are stored in memory, executable byte-code gets generated, and the code gets executed.

What is invocation context JavaScript?

Invocation context is an object that is accepted by the request handler as the second argument. The invocation context provides additional information about a Node. js function version properties: functionName : The function ID.

Is execution context same as scope?

Execution context and scope are not the same thing. Scope is function-based. Scope belongs to the variable access of a function. There are only two scopes in JavaScript — global and function scope.

What is execution context and call stack in JavaScript?

When the JavaScript engine first encounters your script, it creates a global execution context and pushes it to the current execution stack. Whenever the engine finds a function invocation, it creates a new execution context for that function and pushes it to the top of the stack.

What are contexts in JavaScript?

What is context? Context is always the value of the this keyword which is a reference to the object that “owns” the currently executing code or the function where it's looked at. We know that window is a global object in the browser so if we type this in the console and it should return window object, which it does.

What is execution context in JavaScript medium?

Execution ContextsAll JavaScript code runs in an environment, and these environments are called Execution Contexts. Imagine an Execution Context as a container or a simple box which stores variables, and in which a piece of our code is evaluated and executed. We can associate each Execution Context as an Object.

2 Answers

The two terms are closely related but not the same thing.

In a nutshell they define scope vs. context. Scope is about the environment that code runs in (kind of like a room - - it's about where the code is) and context is about an actual object that caused some code to be executed (like who was responsible for putting you in that room).

An "execution context" refers to the "scope chain" that is in effect when some code is running. A scope chain is a list of memory locations that should be checked (in a particular order) for identifiers (variable, constant and function names) to be resolved to a value. Since JavaScript is executed in a single-threaded environment, only one task can be executed at a time. The currently executing code (and its associated scope) define the execution context.

A simple example can be shown like this:

// This area is in the Global execution context (scope) because the code is 
// not wrapped in a function or any other kind of code block.
var x = "Global";

// "Global" is the result because the JavaScript engine will always look
// in the current scope for a declaration for the identifier in question.
// It will find a declaration for "x" right here in the Global scope, so
// that's the value it will use.

var y = "Also Global";

function parent(){
   // This area is in the "parent" execution context (scope)
   var x = "parent";

   // "parent" is the result (not "Global") because when this function is
   // executing, its scope is the most accessible. The JavaScript engine
   // looks here first to find out what "x" is. This is known as variable 
   // "hiding" because the x in the parent scope hides the x in the Global scope.

   function child() {
      // This area is in the "child" execution context (scope)
      var x = "child";

      // "child" is the result (not "Global" or "parent") because when this 
      // function is executing, its scope is the most accessible. The 
      // JavaScript engine looks here first to find out what "x" is. This
      // x now hides the x in parent, which is hiding the x in Global.

      // "Also Global" is the result here. First the current execution
      // context (scope) is checked for a "y" variable. There isn't one,
      // so the next scope in the scope chain (function parent) is checked.
      // There is no "y" declared there either. So, again, the next highest
      // scope in the chain (Global) is checked and that is where "y" is
      // found, so the value of that "y" is used.

      // Here, we will get "undefined". All the scopes in the chain will
      // be checked and if we go all the way up to Global and still don't
      // find a declaration for "z", there is no other scope to look in.


The three execution contexts (scopes) shown above can be entered into in various ways. Those various ways give rise to the "invocation context".

An "invocation context" can also more accurately be called an "invocation context object" which refers to the object that was used to invoke some code. This may seem like the same thing as the "execution context", but the "invocation context" refers to the object that leads to code executing and that executing code is doing so within its own execution context (scope).

The biggest differentiating point between these two terms is understanding that the invocation context leads to the binding of the keyword this to an object for the duration of the execution context. this binding is volatile in JavaScript and the object that this binds to is subject to change as you enter into a new execution context. For all intents and purposes, this is the object that invoked some code, or this is the "invocation context".

I've written another answer that goes into more detail about how to determine what this will bind to and you can see that here.

See the following snippet for an explanation of invocation context. It illustrates one execution context (function foo), but two invocation contexts (the button and Global).

function foo() {
  // When this function is "invoked" via the button click
  // the invocation context is the button and the console will
  // log this as: [object HTMLButtonElement]
  // But, when the function is invoked from a direct call to foo
  // from the Global execution context, this will be bound
  // to the window object. So, in that case we'll get: [object Window]
  console.log("The 'this' object (invocation context object) is: " + this);

// Call foo from the Global execution context.

var btn = document.getElementById("btnTest");

// When the button is clicked, execute foo
btn.addEventListener("click", foo);
<button id="btnTest">Click Me</button>
like image 165
Scott Marcus Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Scott Marcus

"execution context" is the official term (i.e. used by the specification) for a stack frame. As the wording says, it provides the context for the (current) execution of code, which basically consists of internal evaluation state, the function (code) that is currently evaluated, and the active variable scope. Being part of a stack, it knows where to return to when the function execution ends.

"invocation context" probably refers to the context object on which a method is invoked, i.e. the obj in obj.method(). It will become the value for this in that function. The spec doesn't use this term anywhere, what you'll find are thisArgument, thisValue and receiver. It's referred to as ThisBinding in the environment record that is part of the lexical environment (scope) that is contained in every execution context.

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Bergi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
