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Invalid Signature (Invalid Binary) on iTunes Connect

I know is a duplicate question, but on all other questions i cant find a solution, so i retry to post question with more details.

I archive my app on xcode5 for iOS7 with Release Scheme and correct Provisioning Distribution

that's the screen:

This is on Project

enter image description here

And This is on Target

enter image description hereenter image description here

I try to do many different asset, i'am sure to my Building Archive is on Release but the answer of iTunesConnect is every time the same:

Dear developer,

We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "MyApp". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:

Invalid Signature - Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target.

Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page and click "Ready to Upload Binary." Continue through the submission process until the app status is "Waiting for Upload." You can then deliver the corrected binary.


The App Store team

And Invalid Binary

I become to crazy to understand how to sole this issue, any body have idea to do this?


****Test Response****

enter image description here

Athority Screen is correct

enter image description here

like image 978
BlackSheep Avatar asked Feb 18 '14 11:02


1 Answers

In Xcode, at the target level do the following:

  1. First choose the provisioning profile for the Release configuration. (For Any SDK) The provisioning profile must match the app's Bundle ID (As you can see in the General tab).
  2. In the code signing identity, tap on the sub-menu for Any iOS SDK and make sure you choose Automatic. If you can't see below.
  3. Clean All and Archive.

Choosing CodeSign identity:

In step 2, if you can't choose Automatic, then it means you might not have a match between the AppID and the app's Bundle ID. The AppID is pointed by the provisioning profile you chose.

If this is the case, then login in the developer portal and make sure that the provisioning profile you used points to the correct AppID.

To verify the the .ipa or .app before you submit try these commands. Then look at the printout, and see if all looks right. Also verify the expiration date.

$cd <where the app is>
$unzip *.ipa
$cd Payload
$codesign -d --entitlement - *.app
$codesign --verify -dvvv *.app
$security cms -D -i *.app/embedded.mobileprovision
like image 177
tsafrir Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
