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Invalid index 6 for this SqlParameterCollection with Count= 6

Map Class

public class cAdministratorMap : ClassMap<cAdministrator>

    public cAdministratorMap()

        CompositeId<cAdministratorsKey>(c => c.Key)
            .KeyProperty(x => x.Client_id, "client_id")
            .KeyProperty(x => x.Start_date, kp => kp.ColumnName("start_date").Type(DbType.Date.ToString()))
            .KeyProperty(x => x.Adm_type, kp => kp.ColumnName("adm_type").Type(DbType.AnsiString.ToString()));

        Map(x => x.Person_id, "person_id").Not.Insert().Not.Update();
        Map(x => x.end_date).Column("end_date");
        Map(x => x.description).Column("description").Length(200);

        References(x => x.Person).Column("person_id");
        References(x => x.Cliente).Column("client_id");


I am getting the following error

Invalid index 6 for this SqlParameterCollection with Count= 6

Please help

like image 370
Manoj Sethi Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 12:08

Manoj Sethi

1 Answers

Client Id is mapped twice, once in your cAdministratorsKey mapping and again in your Cliente mapping.

Remove the Cliente mapping and change the cAdministratorsKey mapping to include a reference to the Cliente property as shown below:

  CompositeId<cAdministratorsKey>(c => c.Key)
        .KeyReference(x => x.Cliente, "client_id") // Changed to KeyReference
        .KeyProperty(x => x.Start_date, kp => kp.ColumnName("start_date").Type(DbType.Date.ToString()))
        .KeyProperty(x => x.Adm_type, kp => kp.ColumnName("adm_type").Type(DbType.AnsiString.ToString()));

  // References(x => x.Cliente).Column("client_id"); Removed as not needed

This should remove the duplication and fix your issue.

like image 178
connectedsoftware Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09
