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Invalid depfile: Flutter




I am following a tutorial from a udemy course and recently I built a new pc so the hard drive that stored my code is secondary right now. When I compile the code, it gives me the following error. To explain it better, I am posting a picture of one warning in my code but I am pretty sure it is an error flutter is making as it usually does with imports. Error in Code I have tried running a test app by making a default app from cmd and that works fine. So obviously, flutter doctor shows no error. the error is repetitive and long so I am pasting some of it below.

The error-

Invalid depfile: D:\WorkSpace\Code\Flutter\Image App\image_app\.dart_tool\flutter_build\8f0d0eee9ef614ed024ca7691a333af8\kernel_snapshot.d
Invalid depfile: D:\WorkSpace\Code\Flutter\Image App\image_app\.dart_tool\flutter_build\8f0d0eee9ef614ed024ca7691a333af8\kernel_snapshot.d

Compiler message:
Error: Could not resolve the package 'http' in 'package:http/http.dart'.
lib/src/app.dart:5:8: Error: Expected ';' after this.
import 'widgets/image_list.dart;'
lib/src/app.dart:2:8: Error: Not found: 'package:http/http.dart'
import 'package:http/http.dart' show get; //Only need get so we only care about one Get fuction
lib/src/app.dart:5:8: Error: Error when reading 'lib/src/widgets/image_list.dart;': The system cannot find the file specified.

import 'widgets/image_list.dart;'
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/material/bottom_navigation_bar.dart:9:8: Error: Error when reading '/C:/Users/dluck/AppData/Roaming/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/vector_math-2.0.8/lib/vector_math_64.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Vector3;
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/widgets.dart:15:1: Error: Error when reading '/C:/Users/dluck/AppData/Roaming/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/vector_math-2.0.8/lib/vector_math_64.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

export 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Matrix4;
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/rendering.dart:31:1: Error: Error when reading '/C:/Users/dluck/AppData/Roaming/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/vector_math-2.0.8/lib/vector_math_64.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

export 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Matrix4;
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/implicit_animations.dart:8:8: Error: Error when reading '/C:/Users/dluck/AppData/Roaming/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/vector_math-2.0.8/lib/vector_math_64.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/transitions.dart:8:8: Error: Error when reading '/C:/Users/dluck/AppData/Roaming/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/vector_math-2.0.8/lib/vector_math_64.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Matrix4;
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/widget_inspector.dart:27:8: Error: Error when reading '/C:/Users/dluck/AppData/Roaming/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/vector_math-2.0.8/lib/vector_math_64.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/foundation.dart:12:1: Error: Error when reading '/C:/Users/dluck/AppData/Roaming/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/meta-1.1.8/lib/meta.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.

C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:90:4: Error: Getter not found: 'mustCallSuper'.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:90:4: Error: This can't be used as metadata; metadata should be a reference to a compile-time constant variable, or a call to a constant constructor.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:104:4: Error: Getter not found: 'mustCallSuper'.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:104:4: Error: This can't be used as metadata; metadata should be a reference to a compile-time constant variable, or a call to a constant constructor.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:118:4: Error: Getter not found: 'protected'.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:118:4: Error: This can't be used as metadata; metadata should be a reference to a compile-time constant variable, or a call to a constant constructor.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:119:4: Error: Getter not found: 'mustCallSuper'.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:119:4: Error: This can't be used as metadata; metadata should be a reference to a compile-time constant variable, or a call to a constant constructor.
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/foundation/node.dart:139:4: Error: Getter not found: 'protected'.

C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/semantics/semantics.dart:3970:4: Error: This can't be used as metadata; metadata should be a reference to a compile-time constant variable, or a call to a constant constructor.
  @required TextDirection thisTextDirection,
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/semantics/semantics.dart:3971:4: Error: Getter not found: 'required'.
  @required TextDirection otherTextDirection,
/C:/src/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/semantics/semantics.dart:3971:4: Error: This can't be used as metadata; metadata should be a reference to a compile-time constant variable, or a call to a constant constructor.
  @required TextDirection otherTextDirection,
nhandled exception:
package%3Ahttp%2Fhttp.dart; message=StandardFileSystem only supports file:* and data:* URIs)
#0      StandardFi
leSystem.entityForUri (package:front_end/src/api_prototype/standard_file_system.dart:33:7)
#1      asFileU
ri (package:vm/kernel_front_end.dart:604:37)
2      writeDepfile (package:vm/kernel_front
<asynchronous suspension>
3      FrontendCompiler.compile (package:fron
#4      _FlutterFrontendCompiler.comp
ile (package:flutter_frontend_server/server.dar
#5      starter (package:flutter_fronte
#6      main (f
  _startIsolate.<anonymous closure> (dart:isol
#8      _RawRec
eivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch

Target kernel_snapshot failed: Exception: Errors during snapshot creation: null
build failed.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Script 'C:\src\flutter\packages\flutter_tools\gradle\flutter.gradle' line: 780

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileFlutterBuildDebug'.
> Process 'command 'C:\src\flutter\bin\flutter.bat'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1
Exited (sigterm)
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greenycodeskii Avatar asked Mar 26 '20 17:03


7 Answers

I got the same error and I am following a udemy course as well.
I tried flutter pub get and it worked.

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Nihar Hegde Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 11:11

Nihar Hegde

Sometimes it happens to me too. I either deleted the converted code or converted it command For example here I entered:

import 'dart:html';

, And my error was fixed after deleting it or turning it into a comment

// import 'dart:html';
like image 26
VolcanoCoder Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 11:11


i also faced the same problem and i sort out by running "flutter clean" command. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/21053

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vinit jain Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 10:11

vinit jain

you need clean the project run "flutter Clean" in the project and later run the project normal

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francisco nicolas angulo estay Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 10:11

francisco nicolas angulo estay

Okay so I found out since I changed the PC, I needed to change permissions of a file. Follow here https://github.com/simolus3/moor/issues/224

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greenycodeskii Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 10:11


Invalid depfile: D:\...\f5\.dart_tool\flutter_build\8e234dd4da26339b660f6097cc2a271a\kernel_snapshot.d

Delete kernel_snapshot.d and kernel_snapshot.stamp files at this location:

your flutter project\.dart_tool\flutter_build\8e234dd4da26339b660f6097cc2a271a
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Ashkan Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 10:11


well, you can do two steps to fix this issue

1. flutter clean
2. flutter pub get

after running these commands it should fix your issue

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Jasbin Karki Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 10:11

Jasbin Karki