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Flutter - replacing an item in a list




I have this list of int which has a length of 3

This is the list:

List<Tamount> integer= [
 amount(amount: 2, id: '34'),
 amount(amount: 4, id: '12'),
 TotalAmount(amount: 2, id: '54'),

And I want to replace index 2 so the one with the amount of 4

I have tried this :

  ? integer.remove(integer[1].id)
  : null;
integers.insert(1, integer(
  id: DateTime.now().toString(),

But it is not working ,for some reason it is not removing it from the list, but it is adding to the list.

like image 601
Chad Avatar asked Sep 05 '20 18:09


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2 Answers

If you know the index of the element you want to replace, you don't need to remove existing element from the List. You can assign the new element by index.

  integer[1] = amount(amount: 5, id: 'new_id');
like image 62
Pavel Shastov Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

Pavel Shastov

You can do this:

  ? integer.removeWhere((item)=>item.amount == 4) //removes the item where the amount is 4
  : null;
    id: DateTime.now().toString(),

If you want to remove an item by using the index, you can use removeAt() method:

  ? integer.removeAt(1) //removes the item at index 1
  : null;
    id: DateTime.now().toString(),
like image 31
Morez Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10
