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How to implement in Flutter a staggered grid view?



I would like to implement in Flutter a Staggered Grid view - such as the Pinterest staggered grid view (which used to be implemented via their own Android Widget, and now via the Google's StaggeredGridLayoutManager).

So the requirements are:

  • items are fetched via an API - so I need something similar to the GridView.builder or ListView.builder, so that I can implement an infinite scroll
  • each item to be displayed in the Grid View, is made of:
    • an image - say e.g. a picture
    • some textual/visual information, which comprises: a variable length string (which might span two or more rows), an icon, some other pieces of texts (e.g. money amounts)

I know there is a plugin which is named flutter_staggered_grid_view, but this is of no use because it requires to know in advance the precise height of each tile of the grid - which of course it is not my case.

like image 380
Piercarlo Slavazza Avatar asked May 20 '18 13:05

Piercarlo Slavazza

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1 Answers

I've updated the flutter_staggered_grid_view package.

Now you can add tiles that fit their content size like this:

tile fit content

You have to create tiles using the StaggeredTile.fit(this.crossAxisCellCount) constructor to do it.

Hope it helps.

like image 148
Romain Rastel Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Romain Rastel