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Internal compiler error integrating jabber-net with Unity3d





After importing the jabber-net dlls from here into my project and running

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using jabber;
using jabber.client;
using jabber.connection;

public class XMPP : MonoBehaviour {

    jabber.client.JabberClient jC;

        // Use this for initialization
        void Start () {
        jC = new JabberClient();

Unity complains with:

Internal compiler error. See the console log for more information. output was: Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'jabber.connection.XmppStream' from assembly 'jabber-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=924c5b18328d6f09'.

I have read that others (a very select few) have managed to get jabber-net integrated with their Unity code. Could anybody shed some light on how this could be done or point me to an alternative library? I would very much like to be able to use XMPP in my project.



Thanks @Calvin for providing your helpful response and helping me drill down to the problem.

Steps to resolution:

  1. Compile the dlls in monodevelop after stripping out System.Drawing and System.Windows.Form (Change build target to be library instead of executable)
  2. Import the dlls in the Plugins folder (not a random folder)
  3. Change the Unity build target to be Net 2.0 (not Net 2.0 subset) and instruct it to strip bytecode
  4. Delete the SystemAssemblies folder to force a recompile


And ... this approach appears to ultimately fail. Compiling to ios seems to break the dependency chain with ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method '(wrapper managed-to-native) System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange (jabber.protocol.ProtocolHandler&,jabber.protocol.ProtocolHandler,jabber.protocol.ProtocolHandler)' while running with --aot-only.

like image 885
jeremyong Avatar asked Oct 06 '22 03:10


1 Answers

I was just able to compile the 2005-jabber-net solution in MonoDevelop and add it to a Unity 3.5.6 project without Unity generating a compiler error.

The solution had references to System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms, which Unity doesn't support. I removed those, changed the compile target to "Library", and copied the 2005-jabber-net.dll, netlib.Dns.dll, and zlib.net.dll into the Unity project.

Your sample code compiled and ran when attached to a GameObject, but I didn't test further.

edit: Just realized this assembly may require Unity Pro, since .Net socket access is restricted in the free version of Unity.

double edit: I take that back, just checked their product comparison chart and now .Net sockets are listed as available in the free version of Unity.

like image 136
Calvin Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10
