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Throw an error back to jQuery from an MVC HttpPost

I have a method in a controller that looks like this:

public void UnfavoriteEvent(int id)
        var rows = _connection.Execute("DELETE UserEvent WHERE UserID = (SELECT up.UserID FROM UserProfile up WHERE up.UserName = @UserName) AND EventID = @EventID",
            new { EventID = id, UserName = User.Identity.Name });
        if (rows != 1)
            Response.StatusCode = 500;
            Response.Status = "There was an unknown error updating the database.";
            //throw new HttpException(500, "There was an unknown error updating the database.");
    catch (Exception ex)
        Response.StatusCode = 500;
        Response.Status = ex.Message;
        //throw new HttpException(500, ex.Message);

And as you can see I've tried a couple of different ways to throw this error back. In the JavaScript I have the following block to call this method:

var jqXHR;
if (isFavorite) {
    jqXHR = $.ajax({
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/Account/UnfavoriteEvent',
        data: { id: $("#EventID").val() }
else {
    jqXHR = $.ajax({
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/Account/FavoriteEvent',
        data: { id: $("#EventID").val() }

jqXHR.error = function (data) {

Now, what I want to do is get the error that occurs thrown back to the jqXHR.error function so that I can handle it properly.

Currently the code that is uncommented throws an exception saying that the text I'm placing in Status is not allowed, and the commented code actually returns the standard error page as the response (not surprising really).

So, I have a couple of questions:

  1. How do I throw the error properly?
  2. What does the Response.Status property do?

Thanks all!

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Mike Perrenoud Avatar asked Oct 06 '22 06:10

Mike Perrenoud

1 Answers

You will be abled to get the response status from the javascript side, doing the following:

    type: 'POST',
    url: '/Account/UnfavoriteEvent',
    data: { id: $("#EventID").val() },
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
        // jqXHR.status contains the Response.Status set on the server
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        // jqXHR.status contains the Response.Status set on the server

As you can see, you must pass the function for error to the ajax function... in you example, you are setting the function to the error property of jqXHR with no effect at all.

Documentation on ajax events

  • jQuery - Ajax Events

jQuery docs say that the error string will come in the errorThrown parameter.

Do not use Response

Instead, you should return HttpStatusCodeResult:

public void UnfavoriteEvent(int id)
        var rows = _connection.Execute("DELETE UserEvent WHERE UserID = (SELECT up.UserID FROM UserProfile up WHERE up.UserName = @UserName) AND EventID = @EventID",
            new { EventID = id, UserName = User.Identity.Name });
        if (rows != 1)
            return new HttpStatusCodeResult(500, "There was an unknown error updating the database.");
    catch (Exception ex)
        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(500, ex.Message);
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Miguel Angelo Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10

Miguel Angelo