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Interfaces separated from the class implementation in separate projects? [closed]




We work on a middle-size project (3 developers over more than 6 months) and need to make following decision: We'd like to have interfaces separated from concrete implementation. The first is to store the interface in a separate file.

We'd like to go further and separate the data even more: We'd like to have one project (CSPROJ) with interface in one .CS file plus another .CS file with help classes (like some public classes used within this interface, some enums etc.). Then, we'd like to have another project (CSPROJ) with a factory pattern, concrete interface implementation and other "worker" classes.

Any class which wants to create an object implementing this interface must include the first project which contains the interfaces and public classes, not the implementation itself.

This solution has one big disadvantage: it multiplies the number of assemblies by 2, because you would have for every "normal" project one project with interace and one with implementation.

What would you recommend? Do you think it's a good idea to place all interfaces in one separate project rather than one interface in its own project?

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Tomas Walek Avatar asked Oct 28 '09 16:10

Tomas Walek

People also ask

Should interfaces be in separate project?

Because interfaces can be implemented by multiple components, it's good practice to put them in a separate assembly from that of the implementing components.

What is separation of interface and implementation?

If so, use Separated Interface to define an interface in one package but implement it in another. This way a client that needs the dependency to the interface can be completely unaware of the implementation. The Separated Interface provides a good plug point for Gateway (466).

Why do we need to separate interface from implementation?

So separating interfaces from implementations and using polymorphism makes for code that's simpler to read and understand, and that's less likely to have bugs. This is one of the strongest features of OOP.

What is the benefit of interface segregation?

Another benefit is that the Interface Segregation Principle increases the readability and maintainability of our code. We are reducing our class implementation only to required actions without any additional or unnecessary code.

2 Answers

I would distinguish between interfaces like this:

  1. Standalone interfaces whose purpose you can describe without talking about the rest of your project. Put these in a single dedicated "interface assembly", which is probably referenced by all other assemblies in your project. Typical examples: ILogger, IFileSystem, IServiceLocator.

  2. Class coupled interfaces which really only make sense in the context of your project's classes. Put these in the same assembly as the classes they are coupled to.

    An example: suppose your domain model has a Banana class. If you retrieve bananas through a IBananaRepository interface, then that interface is tightly coupled to bananas. It is impossible to implement or use the interface without knowing something about bananas. Therefore it is only logical that the interface resides in the same assembly as Banana.

    The previous example has a technical coupling, but the coupling might just be a logical one. For example, a IFecesThrowingTarget interface may only make sense as a collaborator of the Monkey class even if the interface declaration has no technical link to Monkey.

My answer does depend on the notion that it's okay to have some coupling to classes. Hiding everything behind an interface would be a mistake. Sometimes it's okay to just "new up" a class, instead of injecting it or creating it via a factory.

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Wim Coenen Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09

Wim Coenen

Yes, I think this is a good idea. Actually, we do it here all the time, and we eventually have to do it because of a simple reason:

We use Remoting to access server functionality. So the Remote Objects on the server need to implement the interfaces and the client code has to have access to the interfaces to use the remote objects.

In general, I think you are more loosely coupled when you put the interfaces in a separate project, so just go along and do it. It isn't really a problem to have 2 assemblies, is it?


Just crossed my mind: By putting the interfaces in a separate assembly, you additionally get the benefit of being able to reuse the interfaces if a few of them are general enough.

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Maximilian Mayerl Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

Maximilian Mayerl