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Interface Builder Objects not visible in my storyboard (and titles are transparent)

I am using the same version of XCode as another developer I am working with but when I open the project on my machine the interface objects are not visible in the storyboard and their names are semi-transparent. I’ve Googled around but I cannot seem to figure out why this might be happening.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Interface Builder transparent objects

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Richard Burton Avatar asked Dec 12 '14 04:12

Richard Burton

1 Answers

It's because the views have been set for a different size class in Interface Builder, and not Any & Any, which you have currently selected.

Just change the size class in the interface builder appropriately and the views will be back! :)

I encountered the same issue, read more here: Why don't my views show up in Storyboards and are greyed out in the left pane?

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nburk Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 23:11
