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Can't debug iOS 8 App Extension

I'm trying to debug the sample Action App Extension provided on Xcode 6 (6A313). Even though the app runs flawlessly, I can't see any NSLog messages on the Debug Area neither Xcode will stop on my break points.

Things I've tried:

  • I've tried uninstalling Xcode 6, re-downloading it from the Mac Store and installing again with no success.
  • I've also tried to go through Debug -> Attach to Process -> By Process Identifier (PID) or Name... but the Status Bar shows "Waiting for -bundle id- to launch" when it is already running.
  • Tried different devices.
  • Tried running on the simulator, but my App Extension won't show on the App Extensions list (it is not present in the "more" list also).
  • I've checked this answer also, which didn't help me.

I've ran out of ideas on what to do :)

like image 314
Bruno Cardoso Avatar asked Oct 16 '14 20:10

Bruno Cardoso

1 Answers

When you added the Application Extension target Xcode should have added also a new Scheme for the Extension (or you can create one in 'Manage Schemes...'). If this happened you just have to change the Active Scheme, on the very left of the drop down with which you choose the device/os of the simulator, and run.

Selecting the extension active scheme

If you change the Active Scheme to the Widget one, then breakpoint and NSLog works, at least for me.

like image 64
Apple.CDM Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
