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Inter-Controller communication, the angular way

I'm trying to figure out the "preferred" or "angular-way" of sharing properties or state between controllers/directives. There are several methods to implement this, but I want to keep with best-practice. Below are some banal examples of how this can be implemented:

1. Using $scope.$watch

// The parent controller/scope
angular.module('myModule').controller('parentController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    $scope.state = {
        myProperty: 'someState'; // Default value to be changed by some DOM element

// The child controller/scope.
angular.module('myModule').controller('childController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    $scope.$watch('state.myProperty', function (newVal) {
        // Do some action here on state change

Edit: Based on answers below, this is bad practice and should be avoided. It is untestable and places an unwanted DOM dependancy.

2. Using $broadcast

// The parent controller
angular.module('myModule').controller('parentController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    var myProperty = 'someState';
    $scope.setState = function (state) {
        myProperty = state; // Set by some other controller action or DOM interaction.
        $scope.$broadcast('stateChanged', state); // Communicate changes to child controller

// The child controller.
angular.module('myModule').controller('childController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    $scope.$on('stateChanged', function (evt, state) {
        // Do some action here

Edit: Equally bad practice as you need to know the placement of the controllers in the DOM in order to determine weather to use $broadcast (down the DOM) or $emit (up the DOM).

3. Using service

angular.module('myModule').factory('stateContainer', [function () {
    var state = {
            myProperty: 'defaultState'
        listeners = [];

    return {
        setState: function (newState) {
            state.myProperty = newState;
            angular.forEach(listeners, function (listener) {
        addListener: function (listener) {

// The parent controller
angular.module('myModule').controller('parentController', ['$scope', 'stateContainer', function($scope, stateContainer) {
    $scope.setState = function (state) {

// The child controller.
angular.module('myModule').controller('childController', ['$scope', 'stateContainer', function($scope, stateContainer) {
    stateContainer.addListener(function (newState) {
        // Do some action here

There are probably some approaches I've missed here, but you get the idea. I'm trying to find the best approach. Although verbose, I personally lean towards #3 in the list here. But I come from a Java and jQuery background where listeners are widely used.

Edit: Answers below are insightful. One talks of sharing state between parent/child directives using the require directive configuration. The other talks of sharing service or service properties directly to the scope. I believe that depending on the need, they are both right in what is or is not best practice in Angular.

like image 973
Øystein Amundsen Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 08:03

Øystein Amundsen

1 Answers

Any of these will work if done correctly, but a variant on service is the preferred way AFAIK.

The question is, do you even need a listener in the service case? Angular itself will update any views (which is the purpose of the controller), so why do you need a listener or watch? It is sufficient to change the value itself for the view to be changed.

app.factory('stateService',function() {
  return {
     myState: "foo"
.controller('one',function($scope,stateService) {
    $scope.changeState = function() {
      stateService.myState = $scope.state;
.controller('two',function($scope,stateService) {
    $scope.svc = stateService;

You can then do the following in your view (incomplete):

<div ng-controller="one">
  <input name="state" ng-model="state"></input>
  <button type="submit" ng-click="changeState()">Submit</button>
<div ng-controller="two">{{svc.myState}}</div>

Truth is, you don't even need to go that far with having a button and a function. If you just tie the ng-model together it will work:

<div ng-controller="one">
  <input name="state" ng-model="svc.myState"></input>
<div ng-controller="two">{{svc.myState}}</div>

Try the following jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/cwt9L6vn/1/

like image 78
deitch Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 18:03
