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Turning off angular hint



Am I messing things up? I get angular hint stuff in my production site.

How do I make sure that the version of angular I'm using is production ready and not some dev version?

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Harry Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 16:03


1 Answers

Shot in the dark here because I just had this happen to me 5 seconds ago.. But If your using chrome and the extension, 'AngularJS' Batarang disable it.

For some reason it looks to be injecting the 'hint.js' into the DOM. Pretty much just had a heart-attack because it caused my app not to load in production!

UPDATE: Looks like it was indeed just updated as of 12/09/14 Changelog: https://github.com/angular/angularjs-batarang/commits/master

UPDATE 2: Looks like the author is activly trying ot fix the problem as we speak! https://github.com/angular/angularjs-batarang/issues/158

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Starboy Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 00:03
