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intent extras are duplicated when using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in PendingIntent when creating android notifications

I want to create several notifications that launches an activity (or refresh it) to display a product description.

Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.applicationicon,
            Resources.getString("NewSaleNotification", context),
// Hide the notification after its selected
notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;

Intent intent = new Intent(context, MainApplication.class);
intent.putExtra("saleid", saleid);

// to be sure the activity won't be restarted

PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent,
notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, SaleTitle, SaleMessage, pendingIntent);
notificationManager.notify(saleid, notification);

When I create the PendingIntent, I have 4 choices : FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT, FLAG_NO_CREATE, FLAG_ONE_SHOT and FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.

The definition of the last one (http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/PendingIntent.html#FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT) is what I want to do but it doesn't work as it should. If I create 2 notifications, they both have the same 'saleid' extra which is the latest one. How can I make more than one notification with different 'saleid' extra?

like image 615
Alexis Avatar asked May 10 '12 15:05


1 Answers

but it doesn't work as it should

Yes, it does.

If I create 2 notifications, they both have the same 'saleid' extra which is the latest one.

This is precisely what the documentation says is supposed to happen.

How can I make more than one notification with differents 'saleid' extra?

Option #1: Put a different action string in each of your Intents. This will make them different (from the standpoint of filterEquals()) and give them separate PendingIntents. However, since you are specifying the component in the Intent (MainApplication.class), the action will not affect how the Intent is routed.

Option #2: Use a different requestCode (2nd parameter) on your getActivity() calls. While this is documented as "currently not used", it does result in different PendingIntent objects being returned. However, since this behavior is undocumented, it may change in the future.

like image 68
CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10
