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Intellisense for dynamic languages

I am looking for various approaches for supporting some level of intellisense on a dynamically typed language. Since intellisense information is based on type information, there are inherent difficulties in implementing this for dynamic languages.

Do you know any algorithms or methods to implement it?

like image 243
user101375 Avatar asked Jan 07 '10 12:01


People also ask

Why do people like dynamic languages?

@Prog: The real advantage of dynamic languages is when it comes to describing things which is really hard with a static type system. A function in python, for example, could be a function reference, a lambda, a function object, or god knows what and it'll all work the same.

What are the four dynamic program languages?

Popular dynamic programming languages include JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Lua and Perl.

Which are dynamically typed languages?

Dynamically-typed languages are those (like JavaScript) where the interpreter assigns variables a type at runtime based on the variable's value at the time.

Are dynamically typed languages better?

Advantages of dynamically-typed languages:More succinct/less verbose. The absence of a separate compilation step (which is much more common) means that you don't have to wait for the compiler to finish before you can test changes that you've made to your code.

2 Answers

You need to write an abstract interpreter that executes the code with type values. So you step with your abstract interpreter trough the AST and record for each variable the sent messages or known types. And when you are done, you infer the possible types using structural type equivalence (aka duck typing).

PS: in addition to type inference you might want to take a look at "How Program History Can Improve Code Completion" by Romain Robbes, is explains how to further improve auto completion in dynamic languages with most-recently-used information and collaborative filtering.

So here is how abstract interpretation works for a code snippet like

def groups(array,&block)
  groups = Hash.new
  array.each { |ea| 
    key = block.call(ea)
    groups[key] = [] unless groups.include? key
    groups[key] << ea
  return groups

you would start with

array = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [], :types => [] }

and then

array = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [], :types => [Hash] }

and then

array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [], :types => [Hash] }

and then

array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [:call], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [], :types => [Hash] }
key = {  :messages => [], :types => [] }

and then

array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [:call], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [:include?,:[]], :types => [Hash] }
group_elements = { :messages => [], :types => [Array] }
key = { :messages => [], :types => [] }

and then

array = { :messages => [:each], :types => [] }
block = { :messages => [:call], :types => [] }
groups = { :messages => [:include?,:[]], :types => [Hash] }
group_elements = { :messages => [:<<], :types => [Array] }
key = { :messages => [], :types => [] }

so eventually we can infer that

  • array is possibly an Enumerable
  • block is possibly a Proc
  • groups is a Hash with Array elements
  • key is any object
like image 76
akuhn Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10


I would download the sources of the Groovy plugin for eclipse, it has intellisense (as much as possible), and think Groovy is a good sample of a dyanamic language with dynamic typing

like image 34
Eran Medan Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Eran Medan