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IntelliJ showing "Haxe SDK has no valid root" on linux

I'm not sure what's wrong with my Haxe SDK setup in IntelliJ running on Fedora Linux.

I have the SDK pointed to /usr/bin/, which is where the executable is located according to the results of "which haxe" in the command line. I'm still relatively new to running linux as my primary OS, but I've managed to get the SDK working on windows with what I believe are the equivalent settings.

I've been searching for a while and haven't found any fixes online. So any help is much appreciated.

Everything works properly from the command line.

Screenshot of SDK Settings

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Lathe Abusaid Avatar asked Jan 28 '23 06:01

Lathe Abusaid

1 Answers

Well it figures that I solve the problem less than 5 minutes after posting my question, when I had literally been struggling with this for at least 3 hours.

Solution was to add /usr/share/haxe/std as a sourcepath in the SDK settings, hopefully this can help out anyone else that runs into the same issue.

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Lathe Abusaid Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 03:01

Lathe Abusaid