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IntelliJ IDEA shortcut keymap for matching brace

What is the keymap for navigating to the matching brace in IntelliJ IDEA?

public void blah() {|    ...  } 

If | is my cursor, I would like to jump to the closing brace with this keymap.

like image 389
Glide Avatar asked Dec 04 '10 00:12


People also ask

Where are shortcuts in IntelliJ?

IntelliJ IDEA provides several possibilities to learn shortcuts: Find Action lets you search for commands and settings across all menus and tools. Press Ctrl+Shift+A and start typing to get a list of suggested actions. Then select the necessary action and press Enter to execute it.

How do you match braces in Visual Studio?

Put your cursor before or after the brace (your choice) and then press CTRL + ] . It works with parentheses ( ), brackets [ ] and braces { }. From now on you don't need to play Where's Waldo? to find that brace. With the above shortcut, you can also hold SHIFT to select.

1 Answers

I've only verified this with IntelliJ 9 but:

On Windows:

  • Ctrl+} will move to the close bracket.

  • Ctrl+{ will move to the open bracket.

On Mac:

  • Use cmd instead of Ctrl.
like image 60
dhable Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
